Citizen Wealth: Winning the Campaign to Save Working Families

We are living in an age of insecurity. Short-term renting, pay day lending, temporary and zero-hours jobs, benefit caps, cuts and sanctions and mortgages that can be crippling if there's a change in interest rates. In Citizen Wealth, Rathke shows how benefits and tax credits offer temporary, stop-gap fixes but dont address the systemic problems that keep people from building up the assets they need to create a stable life for themselves and their families. A real, workable plan to end poverty, Rathke argues, requires a two-pronged approach. First, we need to create wealth through home ownership, and job acquisition and security, lengthens the distance between the poor house and the safe house. Second, we must also prevent the predatory attempts to reduce the relatively little wealth that many low and moderate-income families have. Such dual-track wealth-building approaches protect against the vicissitudes of income: temporary job loss, health issues, credit restrictions and more.